I recommended Ted to many friends

We have hired Ted 3 times over the past several years, and have found Ted’s work to be thorough, excellent and very worthwhile.

The first time, his inspection gave us the confidence that we were getting a good deal on a condo that needed work. His advice, first in his report and then freely given over the following years, saved us and our building well over $40,000 just on the roof work alone.

The 2 other times I hire Ted I paid him extra to come up to Gibsons, specifically because of my confidence in his work. The first time he identified some well-hidden but potentially costly issues that caused us to walk away from the property and save ourselves immeasurable hassle and significant cost. The second time he gave us a thorough understanding of what needs to be done in our home, and a prioritized list with recommendations, ideas and suggestions of what to do and how.

I recommended Ted to many friends over the years and have heard nothing but positive reviews




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