
My realtor was pressuring me to drop you

I am so impressed with the depth and quality of the information you have provided me after completing the home inspection of the property I am buying. Having an independent and unbiased opinion on the state of the property was essential after my realtor made it apparent that he was really representing the seller … Read More…

We Were Lucky That We Had Hired You

Thank you so much for all your help and time. We really appreciate it. We did not purchase the new house and got all our money back that we had invested and for our upgrades. The developer let us go quietly as they were afraid we would be calling City Hall regarding your discoveries … Read More…

His fee is a bargain considering

I hired Ted Gilmour to inspect two condominiums prior to making a purchase decision. Ted’s patience and attention to detail during the inspection process was outstanding. Despite the fact that he does not bill per hour of service, he did not rush the inspection process … Read More…

Ride on your offer for consultation

It was a pleasure working with you again. Thank you for the professional job and your great attention to details. As usual, I learned a lot from the inspection done. I would like to inform you that we have closed the deal for the house. The owner agreed to discount $5000 to us! Read More…

But we were prepared for it

A great big thank you, Ted, for your professionalism and attention to detail. You made us aware of all the existing problems and the potential problems that we should keep in mind as we were closing on our purchase. It was a very expensive house, outside our budget … Read More…

Ground 0 for Leaky Condos

We used Ted Gilmour. He is an independent home inspector i.e. he refuses to accept referrals from real estate agents (feels it’s a conflict of interest). Many agents work closely with certain home inspectors and of course if the inspector doesn’t “pass” the homes, the agent will stop referring to them). Read More…

I won’t soon forget

It looks like Nancy and I won’t be moving to Richmond any time soon. After reviewing your inspection report we submitted a counter offer that took some of the more serious issues with the house into account. The seller did not want to re-negotiate downward...

Agents Cringe at the Mention of His Name

Since we have no background with construction or renovation it was important for us to use an inspector who was 100% neutral and would be honest about the condition of the home. A close friend recommended Ted Gilmour by saying, “He is extremely detailed and he won’t lie to you”. Read More…